Sunday, June 21, 2015

Perhaps no more

Robert by Dark Dark Dark

And there were these moments, he spent. With strangers and their significant others.
Beautiful setting. Summer evening with the sights and smells all combined.

He stepped out and he thought, "Oh, how lovely are these couples, together since they were in college. These college sweethearts."

Perhaps, strangers no more.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Within all that veneer

Within all that veneer lied all the bruises and the savagery. Her face revealed everything for us. We are the onlookers. Simple truths sometimes elude everyone at times. Yet she hid nothing. Some people still fail to see.

Up to the noble ranks from the dingy bottoms, everything lays bare. Everything remains...the same.
Wealth gives people power. Wealth gives people beautiful homes and plentiful food. Yet nothing changes throughout the strata of the poor to the rich. Nobody's different per se. Everybody wants something. And usually, everybody wants the same thing. Hence, the struggle, the war. The oppression of the weak from those in power.